Thursday 23rd April 2015
Splash Point, Cuckmere Haven and Birling Gap
I joined Paul and the Splash Point regulars for my first seawatch of 2015 - a 0615 start in cold and overcast conditions!
- Very slow at the start, the only birds of note up to 08.00 being 3 Arctic Skuas (2 light, 1 dark phase) flying E at 06.19, 3 Velvet Scoter that landed on the sea for a while with 6 Common Scoter before continuing up Channel, and 7 Whimbrel.
- A walk down the Cuckmere, with Paul, to the sea failed to find yesterday's Spoonbill though there were 7 Whimbrel, 3 Greenshank, a Bar-tailed Godwit, a Dunlin and a Barnacle Goose.
- After Paul departed I made the short journey to Horseshoe Plantation, near Birling Gap, to look for the Wryneck that had been reported there. About 100 metres east of Belle Tout Wood I saw Phillip W, a fellow BUBO lister, who had located the bird and for several minutes I enjoyed spectacular, close views of this lovely visitor out in the open, feeding in the short grass.
Library picture |
An eventful morning with some excellent sightings!
Additions to BUBO 2015 UK Bird List:
Arctic Skua (189)
Velvet Scoter (190)
Common Tern (191)
Whitethroat (192)
Wryneck (193)
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