Saturday 11 May 2024

Woodcocks and Nightjars at Old Lodge

Tuesday 7th May 2024

Old Lodge NR, Ashdown Forest.

19.00 - 21.30 hr

I invited Alastair C and Martin to join me at Old Lodge tonight, targeting woodcock.  At this time of year they should be well into their "roding" routines where they fly over the treetops making their characteristic calls.  Last year this was my best site for seeing these strange but lovely birds.

  • Martin and I started early, looking/listening for our first tree pipits of 2024.  Unfortunately we didn't have any success.

Around 20.00 hr we made our way to the bench by the pine trees to get in position for our main event.

  • Surprisingly, down in the valley below us were the 2 cuckoo's that had so eluded me the previous Saturday morning when everyone except me seemed to see them at close range.  They put on a brilliant show, flying around the valley before settling on the low trees and then repeating their routine.  

By this time Alastair had joined us for the woodcock watch.

  • Just after sunset we got the first of 6 woodcock flyovers including one where 2 birds were flying side by side.

Just as we were congratulating ourselves on a good nights work we got our second delightful surprise.
  • Just before 21.00 hr what we thought we saw as yet  another woodcock turned out to be a nightjar -  a real surprise as it was surely too early for them to be in the country.  Sure enough it was a nightjar and we enjoyed watching and hearing it as it moved around the valley.  Quite soon a second one was heard.

A brilliant night out!

2024 species count=172

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