Sunday 26 May 2024

Stodmarsh with the Ashdown Bird Group

 Saturday 18th May 2024

This was another excellent turn out.  For many of us it was the second visit in a month. When we arrived it was dry and overcast but the sun did come out – eventually!  We recorded a very impressive 70 bird species and today the headlines were made by a couple of familiar birds and some very noisy frogs.

  • Bird of the day, for me, was a garden warbler.  As we were walking towards the Tower Hide, one was singing away just a few metres away and when it showed our superb photographers grasped the opportunity to get some memorable images of this most skittish of birds. 

Courtesy of Phil Aylen

It is only on rare occasions that we get good views of Cetti’s warbler.  Today we did, albeit for a very short time.  

Courtesy of Alison Playle

  • We saw at least 6 hobbies, less than half of what we would normally expect here at Stodmarsh. Nevertheless we got some spectacular views of this gorgeous summer visitor.

Courtesy of Phil Aylen

  • One very pleasant surprise was a distant view of a yellow wagtail.  We normally see this bird on return migration in the autumn.

Courtesy of Phil Aylen

  • Earlier, at Feast’s Hide, we saw at least 6 marsh frogs on the lily pads on the surface of the water.  We had heard them several times previously but this was the best view by far.  They gradually submerged as we continued to watch them but not before we took some cracking pictures.
Courtesy of Phil Aylen

Other news:

  • Terns, mainly common, were abundant.  If you look at the ramp in the photograph below you will also see a common sandpiper – a first of the year for some of the group - as well as the common terns on the main platform.

Courtesy of Phil Aylen

A very enjoyable trip with many memorable moments.

2024 species count=178

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