Friday 20th February 2015
I was invited by family to take in the Celtic v Inter Milan UEFA cup tie on Thursday and decided to fly up and stay until early Saturday morning. Things were such that we all had free time on Friday so I hired a car, determined to drive to Aberdeen from Glasgow to see the Harlequin Duck that has caused so much interest nationally.
I arrived mid-afternoon to find the duck exactly where it had been reported to be, on the banks of the River Don in Seaton Park, a few hundred metres from the car park. I was fortunate to view it using a Hertfordshire birder's scope to complement the views from my binoculars. The duck was showing well sitting exposed at the edge of the spit. Obviously it was in non-breeding plumage but nevertheless a very attractive bird.
Harlequin Duck at Aberdeen (winter plumage)
Library picture |
Below is a picture of a Harlequin Duck seen a couple of years ago in the UK but this time in stunning breeding plumage.
Harlequin Duck (breeding plumage)
Library picture |
There were also a couple of Goldeneye around, including a drake. In the hour or so I spent there, I could not see either of the 2 Dippers that had been seen earlier in the day.
Well worth the time and expense. Another "lifer"!
Addition to BUBO UK Birds Life List:
Harlequin Duck (287)
Addition to BUBO 2015 UK Bird List
Harlequin Duck (165)
To put the rarity of this Harlequin Duck into context, the local RSPB group said there had only been 10 recorded sightings in the UK since 1950 and twitchers from all across the UK have travelled to catch sight of it.
The bird is normally found in North America and eastern Russia, often wintering in the warmer climes of Korea and California.
Thursday 19th February
Baron's Haugh RSPB, Motherwell
Arrived in Glasgow around 09.30 and used the hire car to go down to the delightful RSPB site at Baron's Haugh on the banks of the River Clyde at Motherwell.
I was greeted by 3 Buzzards displaying brilliantly in the bright skies overhead. A Sparrowhawk and several corvids were also very evident.
On the lake itself there were almost 20 Goldeneye with at least 8 drakes looking absolutely fabulous. A handful of Mute Swans and a couple of Mallards were also around.
On the River Clyde several Goosanders including 2 males were enjoying a nap on the far bank.
What a lovely start to my visit!