Sunday 1 September 2024

August birding continued - sandpipers, black terns and tree pipits.


Press Ridge Warren, Ashdown Forest with the Ashdown Bird Group - 9th August.

On one of our raptor watches, one of the bonus birds for me was tree pipit, my first of the year.  There were 2 in the canopy of the nearest tall tree.

Pagham Harbour,  West Sussex - 12th and 19th August 2024

I made 2  visits to the Ferry Pool at RSPB Pagham Harbour to see the semipalmated sandpiper.  On both occasions the bird had its back to me and spent most of the time asleep!  This was only my second "lifer" this year - my 370th UK bird overall.

On the second visit with Martin we also saw a little stint and several curlew sandpipers.

Scotney Sand Pits, East Sussex - 22nd and 26th August 2024

I had no luck locating the pectoral sandpiper on the sand pits.  On both occasions there were many green sandpipers, several curlew and common sandpipers and a very nice wood sandpiper.

This was a haven for waders and, incredibly, a brand new site for me!  

RSPB Dungeness - 26th August 2024

After our visit to the Scotney Sand Pits Martin and I carried on to Dungeness where we saw our first black terns of the year from the ARC Hanson Hide.  There were 2 flying around before settling on one of the islands.

There were also at least 4 cattle egrets, a glossy ibis and 12+ garganey on show today. 

2024 species count=199

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